在最近的一次音乐搜索中,我找到了 Owl City 的 Lonely Lullaby。(天啊,居然是在2011年发行的,我居然不知道,还在等着 Adam 出更有趣的音乐呢!)
Symphony of silver tears
Sing to me and sooth the ring in my ears
Overcast these gloomy nights wear on
But I’m holding fast
‘Cause it’s darkest just before the dawnI sang my princess fast asleep
‘Cause she was my dream come true
Oh Annmarie, believe me, I loved youBut now those lonely lullabies
Just dampen my tired eyes
Because I can’t forget youBecause I can’t forget you
I’ll dissolve when the rain pours in
When the nightmares take me
I will scream with the howling wind
‘Cause it’s a bitter world and I’d rather dreamDizzy love turned a star lily pink
And hung above our lids too flushed to blink
But icy blue froze the fairytale cold
Though I treasured you
And you sparkled with someone to holdI sang my princess fast asleep
‘Cause she was my dream come true
Oh Annmarie, believe me, I loved youBut now those lonely lullabies
Just dampen my tired eyes
Because I can’t forget youBecause I can’t forget you
I’ll dissolve when the rain pours in
When the nightmares take me
I will scream with the howling wind
‘Cause it’s a bitter world and I’d rather dreamI’ll dissolve when the rain pours in
When the nightmares take me
I will scream with the howling wind
‘Cause it’s a bitter world and I’d rather dreamAnd I’d rather dream
Annmarie, I’ll never forget you
Annmarie, I’ll never forget you
Annmarie, remember me?
I’ll never forget you
Annmarie, remember me?
I’ll never forget you
Annmarie, remember me?
I’ll never forget you
这首歌——怎么说呢,洋溢着情感。需要知道的是,曲子中的“Ann Marie”是 Adam 的前女友。
看看 Adam 自己是怎么说的吧:(来源:http://fuckyeahowlcity.tumblr.com/post/7627610103/adam-young-opens-up-about-ann-marie,地址名称有点奇怪对么?)
Ann Marie was, and certainly still is, such a beautiful person to me, and I’d never written such a personal song before, I knew I had to include her name in the lyrics because the song is truly what I wish I could say to her now that’s she’s gone. A lot of my songs are written purely from the imagination and some have no representation of my personal life, but “Lonely Lullaby” was the first song I wrote almost ENTIRELY about something as personal as a romantic relationship. Ann had blue eyes, her favorite flowers were pink star-lilies, and I used to literally sing her to sleep over the phone while she was home and I was on tour. The song is in fact so personal, it almost hurts to listen to it now that such a perfect relationship has come to an end. I wasn’t sure if I had something as “genuine and pure” inside of me but the song basically wrote itself and I’m proud of it.
没错,我觉得这是 Adam 写的最个人化的歌曲。之前,他的歌里洋溢着欢乐和动感。但是,这首歌完全不一样!按照我的话说,就是“情感波动幅度大”,而且显得很深沉,充满着爱意。嗯……我在想,Breanne Duren(Breanne Elizabeth Dürenberger)唱这首歌的时候不觉得什么么……即使作为 Adam 的好友(而不是女友XD)?最后那几句“Ann Marie, remember me”和“You”,就俩……不知道她总是唱别人的名字时在想什么。
言归正传。第一次听到这首歌(只是在专辑歌曲列表中试听)的时候,就被“I sang my princess fast asleep, ‘cause she was my dream come true”给震撼了。可能是歌词和曲调配合地太好了吧,我听到这一句的时候心中真是五味杂陈——毕竟有经历才会产生共鸣——这一句,Adam 唱得很平静,至少在全曲中显得相对平静,但是背后的滋味呢?然后,Adam 轻轻地呐喊(是的):“Oh, Ann Marie, believe me, I loved you”,心声表露无遗。印证了前文:it’s darkest just before the dawn,为什么你就在这个时候放手了呢?可惜啊,Adam,你也没有料到这个,对吗?其他的一些,涉及到个人隐私,我也就不在此写出了。
接下来,只好唱着孤独的摇篮曲(在孤独中入睡),眼眶被泪水浸湿,因为就是无法释怀。昨日的欢乐和今日的孤单相映衬,显得 Adam 无奈而无力,虽然心中还是保持着那份期待,那份美好。从前给她哼的歌,现在只有自己听;这不但没能使他入睡,反倒让他更纠结了。我有时在被子里哭泣,其实我也不对谁,我也不怪谁,只是对自己的经历发感慨。我所追求的、我所找到的,曾经闪耀,而如今也离我远去。就像焰火的绽放和消逝,酝酿是漫长的,消逝之后就是永恒,只有绽放的那一刻才焕发光彩,但也只有那一刻。我也不知道未来如何。各种科学、技术,在头脑中盘旋,尝试着去分析、去解决,却也无法消解这份哀伤。但是我有什么办法呢?
从前,眩晕的爱情让 Star-lily 成了粉红色的(意即,Adam 觉得,因为他和 Ann 之间的爱情,他才会格外注意粉红色的 Star-lily。Adam 说 Ann 最喜欢的花是粉红色的 Star-lily,我不知道这是什么,估计是百合的一种吧),Adam 和 Ann 四目相对(还俏皮地眨眼 = =);但是现在这个美好的童话冻结在冰蓝(就像那冰盖,古老的冰是淡蓝色的,很漂亮)之中。尽管 Adam 希望她停留在他手上,但是她还是像流星一般划过。曾经想过为一个人付出一生,但总是失望而归。一次又一次的伤害是会使人麻木的,所以才会出现负心人——一开始谁不是怀着真切的心呵护着对方呢?
最后,五个“Ann Marie, I’ll never forget you”,让整首歌结束在低语中,其间穿插着“Remember me”这个问句。这个低语,不是呢喃,而是在分手之后对自己立下的誓言。Adam 似乎还沉浸在美好之中,絮絮念叨:“我不会忘了你的,我不会……”经历过恋爱的人都知道,如果是对方主动离开,那自己总是希望对方可以回头,此时一切都可以重来,就像没发生过什么一样。记住我吧,记住我吧。每一个为对方着想的人,心中总是希望对方会过得好;自己曾经出现在ta的生命中,对方是否记得自己已经不再重要。有一点点私心,还是愿意对方记得自己吧。或许某天在街上碰见,两人还能相视而笑,这就是圆满了吧。
谁又能将这个诺言贯彻一生呢?总有人可以的。祝 Adam 和 Ann 幸福!
有人摆蜡烛,有人唱情歌——太俗了,是人都会。要是哪一天我碰见送手链的那位,我一定要对他眨眨眼:“有创意,有感情!”或者,一首完全自制的、优美的歌曲,或者,一段令人惊喜的代码——这便是技术宅的爱情。 Adam 做出了一个范例呢。
嗯……播放列表中下一首歌是 Long Long Way to Go 诶……以前在 K 的阶段我也在晚上一边听一边流泪呢……(我还记得嘉伟播这一首歌时说的话:在 HitFM 7周年之际,希望 HitFM 越走越好,毕竟前路漫漫啊。但是现在呢?已经不再是记忆中的 HitFM 了……)